What do we mean by motivation? Well, most definitions of motivation include the idea that motivation is a process that starts, guides and maintains certain actions that lead to the realisation of goals. Motivation includes physical, emotional and social forces that influence your behaviour and is a requirement for achieving a goal. With this in mind, you need to ask yourself what motivates you to achieve the goal of starting your own business? Let’s dig a bit deeper and look at some common justifications that other people give for starting their own business, as well as some cautionary notes:
If you’ve come to SmallBusinessHelp, it shows you’re open to new opportunities and ready to make progress—especially if you’re persistent. If you’re in a situation where you need money but can’t find a job, one option to consider is trading. We dive into trading in more detail elsewhere on the site. Selling things from home or even on the street is a form of “survivalist trade,” which, as some African scholars call it, is a tough way to earn just enough to get by.
But don’t give up on the idea of building a business! Keep reading about different business ideas and look into training courses to grow your knowledge. To build a successful business, you’ll need all the experience you can get, and much of that comes from actually working in a job.
We’re not saying you shouldn’t start a business if you don’t have work experience or can’t find a job. However, gaining some job experience can give you a better shot at success in your own business. If you’re really struggling to find work, consider volunteering—even part-time. This can give you the chance to learn about how businesses operate, how teams work together, and even give you leadership opportunities.
If volunteering isn’t an option, you can still practice management skills at home by applying business strategies to your everyday life.

If you feel that you have it in you to start your own business and want to prove it to yourself – good on you! That sort of self-confidence and positive thinking goes a long way towards business success. However bear in mind that if you do decide to start a business without work experience, never stop reading and learning, even while you are running your business. Get constant advice. Learn from your mistakes. It is the most difficult path to choose, and there will be times that you’ll be frustrated and feel like you want to give up, but there are people who have had success this way.
Working for someone else can definitely feel frustrating at times, but if you decide to work for yourself, it comes with its own challenges. You still need to stay disciplined and learn how to work well with others—even when you’re the boss, but the satisfaction you get from running your own business can provide rewards that can’t be bought.
Self-employment allows you to do the job in your own way, and it is very satisfying when your way is shown to work. You do, of course, also have to take responsibility when it does not work.
Starting your own business can feel pretty rewarding, and there’s definitely a sense of pride that comes with being your own boss. However, it’s important to be honest with yourself about why you’re doing it. If you’re starting a business just to prove something to others or to show off, that might not be the best motivation. The reality is, running a business can be tough. You’ll face challenges, and despite your best efforts, there’s always a chance your venture might not succeed.
It’s crucial to be prepared for that possibility. Will you be able to handle the setbacks, learn from them, and keep going? True job satisfaction doesn’t come from avoiding failure—it comes from learning, growing, and being proud of the effort you put in, no matter the outcome. If you’re truly passionate about what you’re doing, you’ll find satisfaction in the journey itself, even if things don’t go exactly as planned.
Many people dream of starting their own business because they want to make money. And that’s completely fair! Financial freedom, the ability to buy what you want, and the security money provides can be strong motivators. But here’s the thing: just wanting money isn’t usually enough to succeed in business. Why? Because building a profitable business takes time, effort, and a whole lot of dedication. Wealth is never guaranteed.
This goal is different from starting a business simply to survive or cover your basic needs. While some people turn to self-employment out of necessity, wanting money as a goal goes beyond survival