Business ideas

Don’t have any ideas? Maybe these links can help you, or browse through the ideas listed here…



Other links…

What business is right for me? –
Part of a comprehensive information series from on starting and running a small business.

From patent to profit
– Frompatenttoprofit
Whether you plan to go into business or license your invention, this website will teach you how to be successful. Both first-time and experienced inventors will find the site invaluable.

Business Idea Center – Entrepreneur
Find hundreds of full or part time business ideas that you can start today. From advertising to travel business ideas, Entrepreneur Business Idea Center has the right idea for you.”

Delphion patent server – Delphion
Search the Delphion patent server for new inventions that might make business sense for you.

Business Know-how – NSBN
NSBN helps you find new business ideas, get answers to business questions, find customers and get found, and discuss business with other entrepreneurs who run small and home-based businesses. Whether you have employees or work as a free-agent or independent contractor, you’ll find the resources you need to be successful in your own business.

Small Business
Ideas for small businesses and opportunities for franchising.

Business ideas forum
Allows users to post, discuss, and find new business ideas and new business opportunities in the threaded and moderated forum, as well as to meet potential business partners.

Entrepreneur network – Entrepreneurs Network
Ten articles for inventers.

Can you make money with your business idea?
 – Liraz Publishing